Thursday, November 29, 2012

The things you don't want to hear.

We haven't updated this page in awhile, but i'm sure none of you noticed. Anyway we're writing new solemn, depressed, and distorted music for an album we're releasing in early to late February titled " END ME." The album is a somewhat concept album for a man named Gene Sprague, who can be pictured in the above .gif plummeting down off the Golden State Bridge to his final resting place. The album is to be released off of a yet undisclosed record label. "END ME." will be on 7 inch wax and will consist of one 7 minute song along with 2 other songs on the opposite side. 

So we've got a few shows coming up for you idiots who give a damn: 

December 11th at the Cobalt in Canoga Park W/GAZAMUSIC, Code Orange Kids, Full of Hell, Trap Her Keep Her, and Bad Days. We have tickets for sale for this show, and we also play early.

December 14th at some shit Church in West Covina W/Silver Snakes, Souvenirs, Penalty, and TBA

December 15th at 2019 E. 76th Place in Los Angeles W/ Clawsup, Warsound, Vulva Esser, Lunch Line, Warwhore, and Self. It's gonna be a crust show, that means no crying.

Make it out to all of them or a couple or just one, it doesn't matter.

Other than all of that shit that you just read, we're still broke, we're still wanting to tour and play more shows, we're still assholes, all of our friends and family still suck, diabetes still sucks, and worst of all ricky got a girlfriend.

